Unlockable: Music Tracks
Below is a list of music you can unlock in the game.
- Green Hill - Complete each round of one minigame
- Overworld - Complete each round of one minigame
- Sonic 2 Special Stage - Complete each round of three minigames
- Sonic 2 Underwater - Complete each round of three minigames
- Star Light - Complete each round of two minigames
- Underground - Complete each round of two minigames
Below is a list of events that can be unlocked in the game, and how to unlock each.
- 400m Hurdles - Win Sunlight Circuit
- 400m Race - Win Planet Circuit
- 4x100m Relay - Unlock the Moonlight Circuit
- Advanced Class - Come in First on the Moonlight Circuit
- Archery - Unlock the Stardust Circuit
- Big Bang Circuit - Place on podium on Universal Circuit
- Cosmos Circuit - Win Supernova Circuit
- Dream Fencing - Win Comet Circuit
- Dream Platform - Unlock Galaxy Circuit
- Dream Race Event - Unlock the Moonlight Circuit
- Dream Table Tennis - Win Satellite Circuit
- End Credits Sequence - Place in 1st on Big Bang Circuit
- Galaxy Circuit - Win Cosmos Circuit
- High Jump - Play as all characters at least once
- Meteorite Circuit - Come First in Stardust Circuit, Planet Circuit, Comet Circuit, Satellite Circuit and Sunlight Circuit
- Moonlight Circuit - Come in First on: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn Circuits
- Pole Vault - Unlock Supernova Circuit
- Single Sculls Event - Unlock the Moonlight Circuit
- Stardust Circuit - Come in First on the Moonlight Circuit
- Sunlight Circuit - Win Stardust, Planet, Comet, and Satellite Circuit
- Supernova Circuit - Win Meteorite Circuit
- Universal Circuit - Place on podium on Galaxy Circuit
- Vault - Unlock Cosmos Circuit
Below is a list of unlockable emblems, and how you can unlock them.
- Aquatics Emblem - Get a Gold Medal on all swimming events
- Bouncing Emblem - Get a score of 10 on the trampoline
- [Character] Emblem(s) - Complete all missions with any character
- Complete Game Emblem - Unlock all events
- Crown Emblem - Complete all events with any character
- Dream Emblem - Get a Gold Medal on all dream events
- Field Emblem - Get a Gold Medal on all field events
- Full Play Emblem - Play all events
- Gallery Owner Emblem - Complete all gallery events
- Gymnastics Emblem - Get a Gold Medal on all gym events
- Hunter Emblem - Get 120 points in Archery
- Knight Emblem - Go 15-0 in an individual event
- Network Emblem - Connect to Wi-Fi Nintendo Rankings
- Olympic Record Emblem - Break a record on any event
- Penalty Emblem - False start on the 100m event
- Ping Pong Emblem - Win table tennis with a score of 11-0
- Rocket Emblem - Win the 100m event
- Skeet Emblem - Get 40 points on Skeet Shooting
- Track Emblem - Get a Gold Medal on all track events
- World Record Emblem - Break a world record on any event
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- Congress Quietly Approves Billions More For Bush ...
- ► 2009 (136)
- ► August (135)
- oxygen
- model
- Technicians
- Pasadena
- Am vazut multe ceasuri superbe pe www.topceas.r...
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- Radiophysics
- College
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- Vesta
- Am vazut multe ceasuri superbe pe www.topcea...
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- said
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- asteroid
- light
- The recent findings also confirm that the asteroid...
- by
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- Am vazut multe ceasuri superbe pe www.topceas.r...
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- Observation
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- Sursa Speranta.info Am vazut multe ceasuri supe...
- Sursa Speranta.info Am vazut multe ceasuri supe...
- Sursa Speranta.info Am vazut multe ceasuri supe...
- Sursa Speranta.info Am vazut multe ceasuri supe...
- Sursa Speranta.info Am vazut multe ceasuri supe...
- Sursa Speranta.info Am vazut multe ceasuri supe...
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- Sursa Speranta.info Am vazut multe ceasuri supe...
- Sursa Speranta.info Am vazut multe ceasuri supe...
- Sursa Speranta.info Am vazut multe ceasuri supe...
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- Sursa Speranta.info Am vazut multe ceasuri supe...
- Sursa Speranta.info Am vazut multe ceasuri supe...
- "NOAA's coral program has made some significant pr...
- "The areas that these elephants need to survive ar...
- The survey of Sabah's rhinos involved about 120 pe...
- There is one species of rhino in Borneo, commonly ...
- WWF aims to assist Borneo's three nations (Brunei,...
- "The results from the survey of Borneo's rhinos ar...
- In 2003, WWF determined pygmy elephants to be a li...
- Sabah and the forests of the "Heart of Borneo" sti...
- There are believed to be fewer than 300 Sumatran r...
- In addition to the 13 rhinos found in the interior...
- "If this band of rhinos is to have a healthy futur...
- The Heart of Borneo initiative is a conservation a...
- Sabah and the lowland forests of the "Heart of Bor...
- "It's amazing that we still know so little about o...
- Five pygmy elephants were darted and outfitted wit...
- Borneo pygmy elephants depend for their survival o...
- “The surveys reveal the importance of Taman Negara...
- WCS and DWNP researchers estimate that there are 6...
- On the basis of their findings, the authors propos...
- The authors looked at a total of four national par...
- "This study clearly shows that communities with a ...
- The study, published in the latest issue of the jo...
- The research was partially funded by a Pew Fellows...
- Lead researcher Professor Peter Mumby of the Unive...
- The team found that the number of young corals dou...
- Coral bleaching is associated with a variety of fa...
- The 2008 report is the third in a series, represen...
- Funded by the Natural Environment Research Council...
- The conditions of U.S. coral reefs have been decli...
- The report was released by NOAA at the 11th Intern...
- "The report shows that this is a global issue," sa...
- The 569-page document details coral reef condition...
- The report issued July 7, The State of Coral Reef ...
- The bleaching risk may in fact be higher in certai...
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- minerals
- researchers
- country
- salad
- Scientists
- cancer
- estimate
- former
- Using
- that
- cells
- an
- considered
- gum
- at
- together
- cheaper
- producers
- paving
- honey
- energy
- Speranta: Ceasuri superbe Topceas
- Speranta: Costi Ionita & Andrea Teodora - Dai mi V...
- ► August (135)