Unlockable: In-Game Cheats
Unlock the following in-game cheats by beating the challenges listed
- Challenge One - Unlock Classic Mode
- Challenge Two - Unlock Safe Mega Strike
- Challenge Three - Unlock Super Captains
- Challenge Four - Unlock High Voltage
- Challenge Five - Unlock Devastating Hits
- Challenge Six - Unlock No Power-Ups
- Challenge Seven - Unlock Secure Stadia
- Challenge Eight - Unlock Power Shortage
- Challenge Nine - Unlock Field Tilt
- Challenge Ten - Unlock White Ball
- Challenge Eleven - Unlock Sidekick Skill Shot
- Challenge Twelve - Unlock Custom & Infinite Power-Ups
Unlock the following Character Cards by beating the challenges listed…
- Challenge One - Unlock Mario Card
- Challenge Two - Unlock Luigi Card
- Challenge Three - Unlock Donkey Kong Card
- Challenge Four - Unlock Peach Card
- Challenge Five - Unlock Daisy Card
- Challenge Six - Unlock Wario Card
- Challenge Seven - Unlock Waluigi Card
- Challenge Eight - Unlock Yoshi Card
- Challenge Nine - Unlock Bowser Card
- Challenge Ten - Unlock Petey Piranha Card
- Challenge Eleven - Unlock Bowser Jr. Card
- Challenge Twelve - Unlock Diddy Kong Card
Unlock the stadiums listed below by fulfilling the requirements listed…
- Crystal Cannon - Win the Crystal Cup
- Galactic Stadium - During the Striker Cup, win the Brick Wall Award and the Golden Foot Award
- Stormship Stadium - Win the Striker Cup
- The Dump - During the Crystal Cup, win the Brick Wall Award and the Golden Foot Award
- The Lava Pit - Win the Fire Cup
- The Wastelands - During the Fire Cup, win the Brick Wall Award and the Golden Foot Award
Unlock the secret team captains listed below by winning the cup listed…
- Bowser Jr. - Win the Fire Cup
- Diddy Kong - Win the Crystal Cup
- Petey Piranha - Win the Striker Cup
Since you only need to make one goal to win, use a Mega-Strike to complete the challenge.
For the Striker's Cup, I recommend having a Dry Bones instead of Koopa or Toad probably Koopa. My team was Yoshi (Mario/Luigi is better), Dry Bones, Toad and Hammer Bros.
Dry Bones can score easily with the skillshot and can score better if you next to the fence and click the Z at least 2 times, then go to the place where the corner kick should be, go in the direction of the keeper and the disappear and shoot, its probably a goal if done correctely.
Toad is good because of jumps, try to pass by the keeper with a jump. You can also go to corner use jump and as soon as the keeper hits you pass the ball and if theres no one at the goal it should enter.
With Hammer Bros. use the hammer when someone is next to you and use the skillshot when near the keeper.
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Mario/Luigi is good because of the power-up. Charge the ball and before shooting click on the d-pad (to jump), and repeat this till the ball is white then just shoot and it should be goal. Hes also good at shooting from far with the ball charged.
When an opposing attacker tackles your defender and takes the ball, your goalie auto-tackles the attacker and takes the ball. From there you can pitch the ball back into play (to your own defender) and repeat the process.
Boo has the ability to quickly disappear and then reappear while managing to retain control of the ball. Try this as soon as you're approaching a player on the opposing team to go directly through them. This even works, from time to time, on the opposing team's goalie.
Below are a list of some of the items in the game, and what they do. Remember that not all items are beneficial!
- Banana Peel - Trips any character who walks on it
- Blue Shell - Bounces around field, freezes players
- Bob-omb - Falls from the sky, damages all around it
- Chain Chomp - Chases opposing team's players
- Green Shell - Bounces around field, injured players
- Mushroom - Speeds up whoever eats it
- Red Shell - Tracks other team's player, injures them
- Spine Shell - Bounces around field, smashes players
- Star - Temporary invincibility