1034AM GMT twelve March 2010

This year"s event, scheduled for May 31st, will not take place since of military and internal legislature concerns about overcrowding on Cooper"s Hill, nearby Gloucester, organisers announced.
"We have had to terminate on the recommendation of the military and internal authorities this year since of the issues of health and reserve and alternative aspects," pronounced Richard Jefferfies of the organising committee.
Cheese-chasing hold up retires for fatherhood after fifth Gloucestershire win Highland Games cancelled since of retrogression Henley Regatta bits fireworks since of immoderation Henley Royal Regatta fireworks cancelled Dutch torpedo motorist dies in sanatorium after stately march destruction"Last year fifteen thousand spectators came to the event, by far the majority we have ever seen, and we only could not cope.
"As well as concerns about the reserve of the throng and the competitors, internal landowners were additionally disturbed by the volume of repairs finished by people rock climbing over fences and that sort of thing."
Following a 200 year old tradition, competitors run down the fraudulent twelve incline bank in office of bouncing 7lb Double Gloucester cheeses. Injuries are usual and the perfect volume of spectators jams roads, call complaints from locals.
The proclamation of this year"s termination was done currently on the event"s website.
It pronounced "The organisers of the Cooper"s Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake bewail to have known that the 2010 eventuality has been cancelled.
"The assemblage at the eventuality has far outgrown the place where it has traditionally been hold for multiform hundred years last year some-more than 15,000 people attempted to attend (according to central estimates) that is some-more than 3 times the genius of the site.
"The organisers are operative with the internal Authorities and Police to carry out numbers that will enhance
- throng safety
- apply oneself for the internal community
- puncture car access
- trade upsurge on internal and case roads
"The eventuality will be back, in a revised form, in 2011."
Tewkesbury precinct councillor Mike Collins complained after last year"s races about the miss of parking and the disaster to have an in effect throng carry out complement in place.
"There was no military cover at all," he pronounced at the time. "All we had was a small organisation of untrained stewards.
"We had thousands of people there, most of whom had had a lot to splash and a little cars were damaged.
"They should have some-more car parking accessible and they could conduct the trade improved than I did, station on a devious shouting.
"There was trade corroborated up to the M5 and people were even parking on the advance booking in Shurdington Road, that is utterly ridiculous."
Mr Jefferies concluded at the time that some-more military cover was needed.
"We proceed them each year and discuss it them when it"s going to be but they"re only not interested.
"The trade is the main complaint we need their assistance with and it would be most improved if we had a military presence."
Inspector Steve Chester of Gloucestershire Police pronounced "We have discussed the security and policing needs for this eventuality with the organisers in the past but sadly they have unsuccessful to co-operate with us.
"Organisers for events such as these have an requisite to safeguard open safety. This includes building an suitable trade government plan to minimise intrusion to the internal community.