These amazing Chameleon Earth handbags are stylish and eco-friendly
Chameleon Earth was set up toprovide stylish, luxury bags while supporting fairtrade and, wherepossible, using recycled materials.
I love the Classic Athens coffee brown leather bag, made using natural extracts from African trees to tan the leather.
Priced 189 from chameleon earth.co.uk.
Who says organic can"t be cute? Organictowels get softer with wear, so are perfect to wrap children in. Theelephant and giraffe designs with spotty backgrounds are adorable andthere"s a lovely bathrobe, too.
The Move Organic towels are luxurious and soft
Towels from 14 for the smaller size from 020 7923 7840 or dotmaison.com.

The Green Living guide is packed full of handy tips and pointers
Just out is the new Green Living Guide, with 300 pages packed with useful and practical advice for those wanting to live a greener life - or those who just want to dip in at their convenience.
The guide is in a magazine format, so it"s fun to read even if you"ve only got five minutes to flick through it. It covers all aspects from children, to pets and more heavyweight issues for the committed.
From WHSmith at 7.99, or from magbooks.com and amazon.co.uk.

The custom-blended special oils are perfect to combat dry skin
Using Chinese principles of living in harmony with nature, acupuncturist Anee de Mamiel has created a stunning organic fusion of oils to put back what nature has taken out over the colder months. This oil is a true gift to skin and the first of a range of custom-blended seasonal oils.
Costs 65 for 25ml from 07516099010 or demamiel.com.
If you like to pamper your cat, check out this fabulous hemp bed. With lovely deep sides, your moggy can really snuggle in comfort.

This hemp cat bed is perfect for eco warrior moggies!
It is stuffed with part-recycled polystyrene beads and the hemp is naturally repellent to fleas.
The cover can easily be removed for washing.
Costs 34.99 from the Eco Outlet 020 7272 7233.