Bisher al-Rawi alleges he was interrogated in Afghanistan by officials from MI5, between others
Moazzam Begg alleges that during apprehension in Kandahar he was subjected to complicated woe and interrogated, infrequently naked, by security services, together with MI5
0mar Deghayes alleges that British security services were concerned in his apprehension in Pakistan and Afghanistan and that, at his third interrogation, there was an MI6 military officer present. He additionally says British and American officers took him to Bagram, where he was tortured and intimately abused by US soldiers
Mohammed Ezzoueck claims that MI5 was concerned in his apprehension in Kenya. He alleges that in Nairobi he was interrogated by British security services about his purported links to militant attacks or groups. He was told that British consular officers attempted to see him, but were told he was at an additional military station. In Baidoa, Somalia, he was put on a moody to London. A consular central additionally took the flight. In London he says he was met by people from Scotland Yard and interrogated at the airfield military hire underneath the Terrorism Act 2000, Schedule 7, and incarcerated for 9 hours prior to being let go
Related LinksUK called to comment over woe allegationsTell the law about torture, watchdog insistsMI5 investigated over uninformed woe claimsMultimediaGRAPHIC: men who explain ill diagnosisMaryam Kallis alleges that she met member from the British consulate twice in Syria. She does not lay that they were concerned in woe but says they did not discuss it her family where she was being hold
Azhar Khan alleges that when he was interrogated, underneath torture, in Egypt he was asked in English about a prior detain and his personal hold up in Britain. He says that on attainment at Cairo military station, a lady from the British Embassy told him to leave the nation inside of twenty-four hours. After his release, he claims British officers asked him to work for them but he refused. In London, after his release, he says MI5 officers were watchful for him, but did not survey him
Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni alleges that he was hold on Diego García during a delivery moody in 2002. He says British officials were benefaction at interrogations at Guantánamo Bay
Binyam Mohamed alleges that an MI5 representative was concerned in his apprehension in Pakistan. The Government lost the quarrel last week to keep out of the open domain element that showed that British officials knew of the diagnosis he had suffered. A US justice has additionally found convincing justification that he was tortured in Pakistan and Morocco
Abu Omar alleges that whilst being hold at a military hire in Nairobi he was by officials from the British Consulate, who asked him either his family knew where he was. In London he was interrogated by MI5 officers about his reasons for going to Kenya and either he had been mistreated. He was expelled after but his boots and income were confiscated From the Human Rights Watch report, Cruel Britannia:
Rangzieb Ahmed alleges that he was authorised to transport to Pakistan, but was incarcerated there and asked questions granted by MI5 and Greater Manchester Police. He claims he was deported to Britain thirteen months after with 3 fingernails missing. After his detain in Aug 2006 he says he was knocked about with sticks, churned with electric cables and deprived of sleep. He says his fingernails were pulled out underneath inquire over a three-day duration by Pakistani comprehension officials. He was after convicted in a British court. The decider deserted claims that Britain was outsourcing torture, but the Government did not repudiate counterclaim claims that MI5 sent questions for Pakistans comprehension services to ask him and that MI5 questioned him whilst in their control
Salahuddin Amin claims that he was tortured during apprehension in Pakistan. He was after convicted in a British court. The decider did not accept the allegations of woe and found no justification that British authorities were complicit in wrong apprehension or ill diagnosis in Pakistan, but pronounced that his diagnosis was oppressive. But Human Rights Watch has justification from Pakistani sources that UK and US agents were ideally wakeful that we were utilizing all equates to probable to remove inform from him
Rashid Rauf was incarcerated on terrorism charges in Pakistan. He claimed he was tortured in front of people with British and American accents. He was privileged of charges and was to be extradited to Britain. But he was killed, assumingly by a US barb set upon nearby the Afghan-Pakistan border. Human Rights Watch claims he was tortured so really bad that he could not have been attempted in the UK
ZZ (also referred to as MSS in the JCHR report) was a British-born alloy at a Pakistani sanatorium in 2005. He says he was taken and questioned over the London bombings, tortured, forced to declare torture, questioned by British comprehension officers and afterwards expelled dual months after
Zeeshan Siddiqui reports being beaten, chained, injected with drug and in jeopardy with passionate abuse. HRW says that British comprehension officials, whom he says him, contingency have well well known from perceivable injuries that he had been mistreated
From the JCHR 23rd report:
Details of allegations by MSS, Ragzieb Ahmed, Zeeshan Siddiqui, Salahuddin Amin, Rashid Rauf, Azhar Khan, Binyam Mohamed and Tariq Mahmood, who dead in Pakistan in 2003 and is thought to be in Dubai. Family members explain he was tortured and that Britain was concerned Tahir Shah was incarcerated after the 2005 London bombings in Pakistan. He claims he was treated with colour inhumanely
Seven people are bringing claims for indemnification opposite the Government:
Bisher al-Rawi, Omar Deghayes, Moazzam Begg, Binyam Mohamed and Martin Mubanga, Jamil El Banna and Richard Belmar.
They were incarcerated at locations together with Guantánamo Bay. Each is looking indemnification over purported acts or omissions by MI5, MI6, the Foreign Office and the Home Office. The defendants repudiate the allegations
The following lay indignity by the US in Guantánamo Bay:
Feroz Abbasi says he was subjected to really shrill song in interrogations, attempted to dedicate self-murder and outlayed over a year in unique capture
Tarek Dergoul claims that British comprehension services were wakeful that he was tortured
Shaker Aamer claims he suffered serious beatings at Bagram Theatre Internment Facility. He says a dozen men kick him, together with interrogators who pronounced they were from MI5.
Three men well well known as the Tipton Taleban Shafiq Rasul, Ruhal Ahmed and Asif Iqbal have done their allegations in their own inform