Published: 8:00AM GMT twenty-seven February 2010
Comments twenty-five |

Does he or Fabio Capello, the England coach, have the worse job? "Fabio has utterly a great time, doesnt he?" Mr Brown replies.
It is loyal that the antics of the widely separated inhabitant patrol cannot sincerely be compared to the Prime Ministers woes. In the past week, Mr Brown has been raid by allegations of bad rage and bullying, not to discuss the assign by his Chancellor that a openness on Britains mercantile predicament led to "the forces of hell" being unleashed.
Tories plan tax-cut bill Brown admits to difficulties with Darling A fantastic disaster of�political care Labour could still win majority seats, check shows Britain is not concerned in torture, Brown insists Harriet Harman"s father Jack Dromey to mount in subsequent choosingYesterday, however, brought some-more contented headlines for Mr Brown. A check for this journal of those "absolutely sure to vote" put the Tory lead at usually five per cent, whilst Britains presentation from retrogression valid stronger than expected, with fourth entertain expansion revised to 0.3 per cent from a handicapped 0.1.
But even the softened rating looks well short of the 1.5 per cent expansion that Mr Brown foresee for this year the last time we met. Was he as well optimistic? "We have a incomparable monetary have use of zone than majority countries, and were a trade nation," he says. "Britain was firm to be strike hard." Nor, he warns, are the troubles over. "Its regularly going to be formidable as you begin to grow. Its going to be a challenge."
Naturally, he argues that the Tory tactic of slicing faster than Labour would endanger the economy. "Theyre as well big a risk. Theres a genuine possibility that their policies would lift Britain behind in to deeper recession." Mr Brown will be emphasising that summary in a debate in Wales today, revelation electorate that Labour has stable jobs and prevented home repossessions.
Behind this informed litany are issues that Mr Brown would cite not to confront. As he says: "The usually thing I havent been indicted of is murdering that man Archie Mitchell in EastEnders." More disclosures are approaching tomorrow in the second complement of a serialisation of Andrew Rawnsleys book. A leaked thoroughfare suggests that destiny nuggets competence embody a reported diatribe at Tony Blair in Sep 2006 over the timing of the former budding ministers departure, in that Mr Brown is purported to have announced regularly at Mr Blair: "You busted my life."
Did he have use of those words? "Its not true," he says. Nor does he recollect describing an essay by Alan Milburn, the former health secretary, created in await of Mr Blair, as "Trotskyism".
"I dont stop that. You have to decider with contempt any allegations in a book that has been shown not to be accurate." As an example, Mr Brown cites "a have a difference from the head of the Civil Service that he never lifted questions about [my] behaviour".
Presumably he concurs with Sir Gus ODonnells comment that he merely discussed with Mr Brown how to get the most appropriate out of officials. "We talked about the Cabinet and staff not about my behaviour. Hes done that positively clear."
But any try by Mr Brown to boot all upsetting allegations as report was derailed when his Chancellor gift a ban critique of those presumably conspiring opposite him. Never mind Capellos men. The "forces of hell" acknowledgement referred to that Nos 10 and eleven were on frequency some-more considerate conditions than Ashley and Cheryl Cole. "Ive met the Coles," Mr Brown tells us later. "But separately."
He does not hold what upheld in in in in between him and Alistair Darling, over gift a construction on his Chancellors behalf. "Alistair and I have been friends for twenty years. He doesnt for a impulse hold I systematic any sort of lecture opposite him." So the undermining of Mr Darling, following the Chancellors avowal that Britain faced the misfortune retrogression in 60 years, went forward but his neighbours knowledge?
"I wouldnt short opposite him, and I wouldnt ask any one else to short opposite him. I rebut the explain entirely. Weve worked together on unequivocally formidable things, and you have debates, obviously."
When we remind him that Mr Darling has formerly alluded to "healthy and diseased tensions" in in in in between Nos 10 and 11, he says: "I only pronounced that, didnt I? These are formidable relations since there are formidable questions to ask, but I dont meant formidable in the clarity that people dont get on. There are formidable problems that have to be dealt with in a attribute in in in in between a chancellor and a budding minister. Weve been friends. We still are unequivocally close friends."
Should Labour form the subsequent government, would Mr Darling still be Chancellor? "Well go on to work together," he replies. As PM and Chancellor? "You cant design me to have known such decisions. Alistair Darling has been a shining chancellor. Weve got to get by an choosing campaign."
Although Mr Darling did not name Damian McBride, he indicated that Mr Browns earlier turn alloy was a "force of hell". Is that true? "No direction came from me, and Damian McBride is no longer in the practice … That is where the have a difference rests."
Does Mr Brown mount by his avowal on GMTV that he never behaved in a "political" manner? "I think I was perplexing to contend the things I do are in the inhabitant interest. To have this pursuit is a outrageous honour and privilege. If I expostulate things hard, the since I have a clever clarity of my responsibility."
But removing indignant and hurling writings to the building is not an tasteful trait, we suggest, generally to voters. Mr Brown admits that he has been reflecting on this and branch to an old purpose model. "My father never unequivocally got indignant with anybody, but you could discuss it when he was displeased. I never listened him contend a bad word about anyone. So when I expostulate people forwards and get impatient, I keep meditative of my father and how he never lifted his voice."
Does he plan to obey that example? "Self-improvement is a unequivocally great thing to do. Im perplexing to lift all together. Were in an open-plan office," he adds, as if his staff need design no supernatural conversion.
High in the in-tray, on the sunrise we meet, is the Court of Appeals commentary about the "dubious" impasse of security officials in the indignity of Binyam Mohamed, the former Guantánamo Bay detainee.
Lord Neuberger, the Master of the Rolls, topsy-turvy a prior preference to H2O down his critique of the security services poise in the box of Mr Mohamed, who says he was tortured. The last version says that a little officials "appear to have a indeterminate jot down when it comes to human rights and coercive techniques".
Would Mr Brown validate Lord Neubergers opinion? "We have first-class security services. We do not acquit torture, and we will not concede it to take place," he says, adding that "we will be bringing in open discipline in the subsequent couple of days to have that clear".
When we ask again if he accepts the Master of the Rollss indictment, he replies: "This has been a have a difference for the courts, so one has to accept what the courts have said. But at the same time as condemning torture, I think the security services have a in few instances great jot down of traffic with security in terrorism issues."
But alternative detainees, we say, are already alleging torture? "If [cases] are raised, they will be entirely investigated. We will not bashful afar from any review if that is what is required."
Less grave, though still awkward, allegations have only flush surrounding Samantha Cameron, the mother of the Tory leader. Could it be loyal that someone in Labour competence be formulation to disprove her by suggesting she does less gift work than Sarah Brown? "Under no circumstances. I am not meddlesome in that, and if any one did it, I would reject it absolutely.
"It is not excusable behaviour. She is you do all she can to the most appropriate of her talents. I extol her." Even Mr Browns enemies competence onslaught to subject the frankness of his denial.
That frankness, seen in the Piers Morgan talk when he discussed his daughters death, is one aspect of a formidable personality. Certitude is another. This Friday, Mr Brown will outlay the day giving justification to the Iraq fight inquiry. Despite most conjecture that he was less eager than Mr Blair, Mr Brown will validate his predecessors war.
"It was the right decision," he says, even in retrospect. Although no weapons of mass drop existed, Mr Brown will disagree that Saddam Hussein had unsuccessful to encounter the conditions placed on him by the UN Security Council. "If general law and obligations are going to meant anything, countries have to honour the promises they have made."
In the entrance weeks, Mr Brown will have to step a formidable line in in in in between "character" (his word) and the luminary he affects to disdain. "Character is shaped not in the mountainous country but the valleys," he says.
The Prime Minister has stumbled by enough troughs to exam this theory, and nonetheless the check lead continues to close. He will not assume on a hung Parliament, or on measures that would combine the centre Left, though he claims that "we are relocating towards a created constitution, and that competence move fixed-term parliaments".
In Mr Browns view, Labour can still win. In Wales, he will highlight what he describes as "Tory risk - relocating serve in to recession, pursuit losses, abolishing cancer diagnosis guarantees". In addition, he will explain a "risk to the union". Mr Cameron, he claims, is not ancillary the Calman accord (for some-more devolution inside of the union) in Scotland and is "hell-bent on shortening Welsh MPs".
At the finish of a bruising week, the Prime Minister can be underneath no apparition about the charge ahead. No one could subject his ardour for the plea or his status quo for the fight, that is only as well. As he suggests, Capellos charge of handling his querulous patrol seems a zephyr compared to the conflict confronting Gordon Brown.